Trade union news

02 February, 2023

Good afternoon reader, the hero of today's column «Acquaintance with colleagues» Baytemirov Yesemzhan

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Yesemzhan got a job at JSC «KOREM» in April 2010 as a system administrator at the invitation of colleagues from the information support department. At the time of entering the job, Yesemzhan completed a software development project for the KTZH company. According to the hero, activity in the IT direction brings professional satisfaction, since in our world – the world of technology, this area is always relevant and in demand.

About a week after he got a job at KOREM, the company began moving from the office on M. Auezov Street to a new office on Turan Avenue (from the ship to the ball).

He found the work at KOREM interesting, as he had to deal with a deployed Active Directory corporate network and serious server equipment, as well as software. Before that, such a combination had met him only during his studies at the university, so Yesemzhan decided that additional skills in this direction would not hurt him. During his time in our company, he managed to gain extensive experience in many specialized areas, for which he is very grateful to the colleagues with whom he has worked and is working to this day.

In his free time, Yesemzhan prefers to read fiction, mainly in the genre of «fantasy».

At this stage, he likes how our company is developing, the only wish is that the projects being developed be successfully implemented, and we all felt only positive