Industry news archive

03 November, 2022

National Seminar: The use of new experiments in the field of technological policy of regulatory sandboxes for the digital transformation of the energy industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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On October 31, November 1, 2022, a two-day seminar on the topic «Using new experiments in the field of technological policy of regulatory sandboxes for the digital transformation of the energy industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan» was held in Astana.

The seminar was organized by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, «KOREM» JSC and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The event was organized for the purpose of: exchange of experience; search for new and most rational methods and practices; improvement of the current system. 

The seminar was opened with a welcoming speech by Vice Minister of Energy Zhakhmetova Zh.Z. Zhanat Zarubekovna noted that the policy of regulatory sandboxes for the digital transformation of the energy industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan will have a positive effect and this seminar will contribute to the study of the experience of the best experts in the field of digitalization.

The moderator of the event was the Chairman of the Board of JSC «KOREM» K. Rakhimov. The process of digitalization today affects almost all countries of the world. Digitalization is becoming absolutely necessary in the energy sector. Since the speed of energy processes, a large amount of information and the constant complexity of the power system cause the widespread use of information technologies in management and are key to the use of numbers in energy process management. New players and new consumers are emerging who have a unique profile. In addition, the active development of digital mining over the past two years is an example. It must be admitted that not only energy, but also legislative initiatives in general were not ready for such a challenge and received a number of issues that we are actively working with now.

Special guests (experts) from abroad were invited to the seminar:

- Arpine Korekyan, Public Administration Officer, UN DESA;

- Vincenzo Acquaro, Head of the Digital Government Department of the UN DESA;

- Sukhrob Khodzhimatov, Deputy Permanent Chairman of UNDP in Kazakhstan.

- Richard Stacy, Michael O Brian, David Bond are international experts.

            Representatives of «KEGOC» JSC, «Kazatomprom» JSC, «Samruk-Energo» JSC, «Kazakhtelecom» JSC, «ERG», Beeline Kazakhstan, AIFC, AZRC, Kazakhstan Digital Energy Association, Vaviot Asia LLP, «Faceplate» LLP also made a report.

The seminar was attended by more than 20 representatives of organizations. During the breakout sessions, 15 reports and 4 short speeches were heard on the problems of digitalization of industry and energy, institutional barriers to digitalization of the energy industry, digital transformation.

 Almost every report provoked a positive reaction from listeners.


JSC «KOREM» expresses its gratitude to all participants for their active participation in the seminar!