Industry news archive

10 October, 2023

Future Energy: The second phase of the Akmola wind farm has been launched

Recently, the second phase of the 56 MW wind power project of the «Akmola Wind Power Plant» project LLP Kazakhstan Energy Investment (SPIC) was connected to the grid at full capacity and put into operation, which made it possible to achieve the goal of connecting to the grid almost three months ahead of schedule, reports 

Currently, the total capacity of the Akmola Wind Power Plant has reached 206 MW, which makes it possible to hold the record for the capacity of wind power plants in Central Asia, established after the commissioning of the first stage with a capacity of 150 MW. The second phase of the wind power project with a capacity of 56 MW of the Akmola Wind Power Plant project includes two subprojects: «Sophiefskaya - 39mMW» and «Arkalyk-17 MW».

It is included in the list of projects of China-Kazakhstan cooperation in the field of production capacity and investment and is invested by State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) under the management of operation China Power International Development Limited (CPID). The project is abutting to the first stage of the wind power plant (Borey 100 MW + Energy Trust 50 MW) and is located in the Akmola region in the north of Kazakhstan, within which it is planned to build 11 sets of wind turbines with a capacity of 5 MW.

After connecting to the grid at full capacity, the second phase of the Akmola Wind Power Plant project will provide the local region with environmentally friendly electricity in an annual volume of about 215 million kWh, which will save 70.8 thousand tons of coal, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 174.6 thousand tons, sulfur dioxide by 1330.11 tons, nitrogen oxides by 450.52 tons..

The project will contribute to the «decarbonization» of Kazakhstan's energy structure and the speedy implementation of the «double carbon» goal. The construction of the first phase of the project in Akmola region summarized the positive experience and laid a solid foundation for the second phase.

During the construction of the project, LLP «Kazakhstan Energy Investment» (SPIC) arranged in advance the placement of special personnel at the facility to actively facilitate the smooth transition of the project from engineering construction to production operation and maintenance. Within the framework of the joint construction of the «Belt and Road» Initiative and the new economic policy of Kazakhstan «Nurly Zhol» SPIC fully used its advantages in the renewable energy industry and actively participated in the development, construction, operation and maintenance of Kazakhstan's renewable energy projects.

In the future, LLP «Kazakhstan Energy Investment» (SPIC) will make even more efforts to improve the configuration of energy storage and other aspects, while simultaneously operating and supporting ongoing projects that are being operated and promoting high-quality projects under construction, and will also work with local partners to provide Kazakhstan with energy to make a greater contribution to the development of the renewable energy sector energy of Kazakhstan.