Company news archive

15 September, 2022

Within the walls of the company «KOREM» JSC, trainings and team building sessions on team building and teamwork skills are held on a regular basis every Friday.

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So, on September 9, psychologist Aigul Nikolaevna Shinabekova held another training in which the Administrative Department, the Department of Finance and Procurement, the Legal Department, as well as the Sector of Project Development and Digital Transformation took part.

The employees took part with interest in the following games: «Collect a square», «Cross out all the cells», «Dial», «Find all the numbers», «Seven piglets», «KOREM Glade».

The company's management noticed that the teams that have gone through the formation process with the passage of all stages of the development of group dynamics achieve a high level of organization and teamwork skills with the division of leadership, rotation of roles, their own rules and norms. Team members are able to set goals, creatively achieve them, think more broadly, revealing the personal potential of each participant.
The process of forming a team can be spontaneous, as well as purposeful.

Spontaneous process - characterized by the emergence of informal leaders and cohesion around common activities, which becomes the goal.

A purposeful process requires the manager to clearly understand the reasons for major changes in the management system.

The team strives for a common goal. The team members act the same in relation to the environment, all are proud that together they can achieve more than alone. The team satisfies the needs of the individual in involvement, respect, success.

A team is a group of people who complement and replace each other in the course of achieving their goals.

The team is characterized by an open discussion of problems, good circulation of information. The activity is focused on solving tasks, goals are changed as needed. The main focus is on achieving concrete results: suitable employees and appropriate resources are combined for the fastest and highest quality performance of the task, the timing and stages of the solution are constantly monitored by a psychologist. Relationships between employees are based on the principles of interdependence.

Thus, team building has a positive effect on further teamwork within the company.