Industry news archive

12 December, 2022

Honored Power Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tokenov Anuar Akimzhanovich has passed away.

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  The brightest pages of the history of the electric power industry of Kazakhstan are associated with his name.            

An electrical engineer with many years of experience in designing the electrical part and power supply of heavy industry enterprises in the USSR, India, Pakistan and Cuba. As a chief electrician , he participated in the construction of two metallurgical plants in India.            He worked in the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Construction Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Vice President of JSC «KOREM», Director of the Center for Development of Electric Power Industry of the Kazakhstan Institute of Industry Development and Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC «Institute for Development of Electric Power and Energy Supply».             

 Since 2000, the main area of activity has been the development of the electricity and renewable energy market, as well as risk assessment and payback of investment projects in the electric power industry of a number of countries.            

He took an active part in the creation of a centralized electricity trading market and in the development of a number of regulatory legal documents on electricity and renewable energy in Kazakhstan.           

  He is the author of books:

- Electricity market: from monopoly to competition;

- Integration of European markets: stages, mechanisms, results achieved;

- Electricity markets of Scandinavia, UK and PJM;- Liberalized electricity markets.            

  We express our deep and sincere condolences to the family and friends of Anuar Akimzhanovich. We share the pain and bitterness of irreparable loss.