Company news archive

14 October, 2023

On October 17, an online seminar on the organization and conduct of auctions for RES will be held

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JSC «KOREM» plans to hold an online seminar on the organization and conduct of auctions for the selection of projects for the construction of RES in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

By Order of the Acting Minister of Energy No. 280 dated August 7, 2017, JSC «KOREM» was designated as the organizer of the auction, organizing and conducting the auction.

According to the auction schedule for 2023, approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 187 dated May 23, 2023, auctions for the selection of RES projects for the construction of WPP,  HPP, SPP and BioPP in the Republic will be held from November 13 to 30 this year.

Date of the seminar: 17 October, 2023

Time of the event: 11.00 am (Astana time)

Purpose of the seminar - clarification of questions on participation, support and preparation of auctions for renewable energy sources.

Target audience - potential participants in RES auctions.

Seminar program



Name of the speaker's organization

Full name and position of the speaker

Topic of the report


Department of Renewable Energy Development of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Dukenbayev Sultan Talgatovich,

Head of the Department

RES development in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Indicators and prospects



Ten Alexander Leonidovich,

Chief Manager – Head of the sector

Auction trading: Renewable energy sources.


LLP «Financial Settlement Center of Renewable Energy»

Usenov Rufat Talgatovich,

Chief Manager of the RES Department

Financial support of RES auctions


JSC «National Company «KAZAKH INVEST»

Gimranova Leila

Project Manager

Renewable energy is among the priority sectors. Opportunities for obtaining investment preferences


Question-answer session

The seminar will be held in the format of an online Zoom conference. Access to the video link, by the link:     

Phone number for inquiries: 8 (7172) 98-29-65